4th Civil Support Team Trains in Brooklyn

4th Civil Support Team Trains in Brooklyn

NEW YORK — Flashlights shine through stacked pallets of freight, looking toward dark offices long since empty. With only some sky light here and some fluorescent light there, you are more on the lookout for the powder and liquid that covers the floors.

Shipments are stacked and waiting for transit. Where they came from and where they are going do not matter.

Three people covered with sweat inside protective suits move slowly and deliberately, walking toward things that others would run from. Radiation and chemical agents are hiding somewhere behind a closed door or in a patch of darkness, but will be found.

This is the scene that greeted 22 members of the New York National Guard's 24th Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team in Brooklyn Oct. 22 during an exercise in which they were evaluated on their ability to find chemical, biological and radioactive materials and weapons...

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