History of Chemical Weapons Attacks After 1900

The Chemical Weapons table link summarizes known Chemical Weapons Attack instances that occurred after 1900.  These events include Chemical Weapons used in warfare and Chemical Weapons used by terrorists.  Additionally, several other criminal incidents and accidental Chemical Weapons releases are included in this table.

With the constant threat of terrorism, the real threat of chemical, biological, radiological, and weapons attacks are an ever-present concern.  It’s imperative our country’s armed forces and emergency response teams are equipped with the most advanced decontamination technology available when responding to these threats. 

Wel-Fab Inc. has developed the lightest, quickest set-up, and stand-alone decontamination system ever designed. The LIDS system provides day and night-time operation features which include self-erecting shelters with built-in anchoring system and enhanced lighting. Additionally, the Joint Program Executive Office for chemical biological defense (JPEO-CBD) and the USAF 28TH Test Squadron concluded LIDS CBRNE provides the most advanced decontamination system capability available.

 Our LIDS system is unmatched in versatility and exceeds today’s stringent, fact paced and low-profile requirements for any CBRNE conditions.  Our LIDS CBRNE decontamination systems are specifically made for use by our first-line responders in combating Chemical Weapons Attacks.



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